Friday, 2 October 2015

How to show password on facebook login page with pictures ......... ☺☺☺☺

Today I'm going to show password on facebook
login page.. :) :) :)
I'm using google chrome you should tooo !!!!
1) First Open

2) Type your any email & password                                                    

                                                                                                              3) Select your password by left mouse click and select Inspect.
     4) The Inspect element box will be appear.
Find the < input "type=password"> in the console
    5) Double click on the password in console
then remove password written and type text

   6) After replacing with text press enter
& your password will be shown in text instead of ***** this form

Password shown...
THAT'S ALL :) :)
(note: this will be done once after page reloading it will be the same as before)

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Hey everyone..
I'm going to tell you an another trick
Of taking screenshot from windows 7
through a simple method.
For this purpose we have to use a one tool that is already present in our windows 7.
The First is to ;
          i) Click on start button.
          ii) Now in the Search box, type Snipping Tool and select the snipping tool showed in results of search.
         iii) It will open a new box like pop-up.

       iv) Click on new button and a list of type of snipping will be shown as   ;

       v) Select the Required option and click again on it.
         This will a show a snapshoot of your entire screen .
Next step is to save that file.
     vi) Click on save file at the left top corner
      Open dialouge box will be appear choose the Correct place where you wanna save your screenshot.
while saving this ,, open dialogue box would have selected different formats of saving file
but you have to cancel .png or something .. just click on below box of formats
& select jpg or jpeg & then Save the file                                                                                                                                                                      


Share if yOU like

************* ADMIN************

Friday, 26 June 2015

Download Adobe CS3 full free / small size

Toady I'm going to show you a wonderful version of Adobe Photoshop CS3..
As you know that Adobe is much famOus among the photo editors.
Adobe Costs too much to buy.
Majority of people don't use adobe for its cost & a limit of extinction.
If we get Adobe photoshop it's hopefully in large size & in mostly in torrent files which takes hours for downloading & then they expired after a period of month.
Adobe CS3 is one of the recent using adobe now a days.
It has a lot of new features in Filter Criteria..
whatEver .....................
Do you beleive that you can adobe cs3 for free??Full Software..

Would you beleive that the adobe which for a trial is of 500 mb & you can get full software in 48 mb..yeahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
sHocked ?? I was too...
its POrtable you can just

 copy it any where you want in flash,USB etc



hEre's the link ;

click on itt or copy this & paste it into the adress bar.
Click on download button near share button
THen a new page will be opened..
wait for 20 sec.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
THAT's ALL :) ☺

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YEWR ADMIN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MOHSIN RAZA SIAL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

how to hide/show local disk in pc

Hiding a local drive completely with easiest steps with pic....... ;)
Everyone has his secrets which he nevers want to share it with others.For this purpose people have been using to hiding a folder but it can be easily make un-hid.
Today i'm going to teLL you how to remove the FULL HARD DRIVE !!! It's easy but a little bit typical ;)

Let's Start...,

1) click on start then run & type Diskpart without () or (" ").
2) The cmd dialogue box will be opened.
type here "list volume" without (" ") this

NOTE: now all the hard drives present in your computer will appear.

check which volume fuilfils yours hard drive name
-Type select volume 3 & press enter

- type remove letter E & then enter..THAT"S ALL :)

now for again making the device shown..

same process ..
 open diskpart & then type list volume
- choose the device which you want to show again by typing
select volume 3
- then type assign letter E ...

some time it wants a system restart for making the device visible again..
hope you enjoy it
fOr any questi()n comments are always free :D

==============YEWR ADMIN====================
===MOHSIN RAZA SIAL ==================