Tuesday, 26 May 2015

how to hide/show local disk in pc

Hiding a local drive completely with easiest steps with pic....... ;)
Everyone has his secrets which he nevers want to share it with others.For this purpose people have been using to hiding a folder but it can be easily make un-hid.
Today i'm going to teLL you how to remove the FULL HARD DRIVE !!! It's easy but a little bit typical ;)

Let's Start...,

1) click on start then run & type Diskpart without () or (" ").
2) The cmd dialogue box will be opened.
type here "list volume" without (" ") this

NOTE: now all the hard drives present in your computer will appear.

check which volume fuilfils yours hard drive name
-Type select volume 3 & press enter

- type remove letter E & then enter..THAT"S ALL :)

now for again making the device shown..

same process ..
 open diskpart & then type list volume
- choose the device which you want to show again by typing
select volume 3
- then type assign letter E ...

some time it wants a system restart for making the device visible again..
hope you enjoy it
fOr any questi()n comments are always free :D

==============YEWR ADMIN====================
===MOHSIN RAZA SIAL ==================